
What Is The Least Expensive Animal Out Of Oxen Mules And Horse


c ompiled past Stephenie Flora
copyright � 2007

Once the type of carriage was chosen information technology was time to cull the blazon of animate being that would pull it.  There were pros and cons to all the choices.

Horses were thought to be faster only required additional grain to proceed them fit for the backbreaking journey.  That meant that valuable space in the railroad vehicle had to be used to store their provisions.  The stamina of the horse was not equal to the mule or the oxen and they were more probable to stray or be stolen by marauding Indians.  Many an emigrant mourned the loss of their horses or had to lay over while they went in search of them.

Mules tended to accept more stamina than the horses.  Mules could travel about twenty miles a day. They also were more than surefooted in treacherous climbs due to the fact that, unlike a equus caballus, they are able to see where they are placing their hind feet..  Although known as "easy keepers" they still required a certain amount of grain to keep them fit when working under severe conditions.  Randolph B. Marcy, Captain, Us Regular army stated in his guide book, Prairie Traveler:

    "Upon good firm roads, in a populated country, where grain can be procured, I should unquestionably requite the preference to mules, equally they travel faster, and endure the heat of summer much better than oxen; and if the journey be non over grand miles, and the grass abundant, even without grain, I recollect mules would be preferable.  Just  when the march is to extend 1500 or 2000 miles, or over a rough sandy or muddied road, I believe young oxen will endure better than mules."

A mule's reputation as existence stubborn comes from the fact that a mule will end and look over a questionable situation before proceeding.  A mule volition refuse to proceed if information technology determines that it is dangerous.  It took a special blazon of person to deal with the mules and many a teamster rued the day he became involved with them.   As well, the toll of a team of six mules was around $600 making the oxen a much more economical choice.

Oxen became the choice of a majority of the emigrants.  Almost without exception, the guide books recommended oxen. They were a little slower, traveling only 15 miles per day on average. Notwithstanding, oxen were undecayed, less likely to run off, less likely to be stolen by the Indians, better able to withstand the fatigue of the journey and were more likely to survive on available vegetation.  If they strayed they could be pursued and overtaken by horsemen.  Non merely were they the least expensive to purchase but they were more than valuable on arrival, especially to farmers.  In 1846 a yoke of oxen cost around $25.  During the gold rush years prices peaked at effectually $40-$sixty in the belatedly jump.

And one last issue that entered into the decision was the difference in time to harness oxen as compared to a horse or mule.  Suze Hammond, while reading "March of the Mounted Riflemen to Oregon in 1849" by Major Osbourne Cantankerous noticed reference to this indicate and brought it to my attention.  As i who has had to harness horse teams, Suze made this observation -

"An ox requires the hoop under the yoke be slid up, the yoke attached to the wagon tongue and a pb cord put through its nose ring, and that'southward about it! (The second ox is a little harder to claw upward considering you have to get the first 1 to stand up still as well, as they are to be solidly fastened to one another.) The equine has a cinch nether its belly, a bridle with a bit, traces to adhere to the singletrees, lines to arrange and so they volition not tangle, a cantankerous-lines organization and so that the teamster ends up with only one set up of lines and not ane for each animate being, a horsecollar closed, and all straps lying apartment then as not to abrade its skin over the day'south pull.  The amount of time divergence would be significant when preparing to leave each morning."  For an additional look at harnesses go to HARNESSES .

Care of the Animals

Whatever animal was called, the success of the journeying depended on the care that the animals received.  The greatest error of the inexperienced traveler was to overwork the animals at the beginning of the journey.  To avoid issues it was best to start out with curt and easy drives until the teams were cleaved in and became used to the routine of the solar day.

Grass and water were ordinarily abundant in the eastern portions of the route.  To the west were long stretches where grass and water were scarce, and it required animals in good status to endure the fatigues and hard labor associated with the passage of these deserts.  Drivers were encouraged to not abuse their animals or force them out of a walk.  The teamster who made the least use of the whip usually kept their animals in the all-time condition.

In traveling with ox teams in the summer, the all-time mileage could be fabricated by starting at dawn and making a "nooning" near grass and water during the rut of the day, as oxen suffer greatly from the heat of the sun in midsummer. When it cooled they could be hitched to the wagons again and the journey continued in the afternoon.  Sixteen or eighteen miles a day could be made this fashion without injury to the animals.

Boosted Data:

The Prairie Ox Drovers: located in Western Canada are dedicated to sharing their knowledge of the oxen.  A wonderful site.

Centennial Farm of Orange County: This 5-acre subcontract includes an oxen team that is used during the tours to help educate the public to their utilise and value.

My proper name is Stephenie Flora. Cheers for stopping by
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